Friday, October 29, 2010

Christine O'Donnell For Senate!

Christine O'Donnell would be a Great Senator! She's, smart,energetic,and right on the issues! What more could we ask for? She's ten times smarter than any of the Democrats! Karl Rove,trashed,her. That shows what an Asshole,Karl Rove,is. Rove,has no class! Don't listen to him! Delaware and America need Christine O'Donnell in the Senate! Vote For Christine O'Donnell! If you don't live in Delaware you can donate money to her and/or make phone calls for her! There's a lot you can do to help her win! Thanks! Take Care!

Monday, October 25, 2010

A Change For The Worse

Obama and the Marxist Democrat's change to our Great country has been for the worse. The worst one possible! They've screwed everything up! And in November we will begin to make things right! To fix the Marxist's mistakes. We must stop the destruction. We must get the country on the right path! Democrats are bringing us down. With Conservative leadership we will rise to the top. There's no limit to how far we can go! Freedom And Happiness For All! God Bless America!

Friday, October 22, 2010

The Voters Said Goodbye

Lisa Murkowski and Charlie Crist can't take no for an answer. They don't care what the voters think. They want to force their way into office. They couldn't win their Republican primaries,but they don't want to respect the voter's wishes. They only care about themselves,it seems. And the power they badly want. The power they may not be able to live without. Power to tell other people what to do and how to live. The people are very tired of their kind and we will throw many of them out of office in November! I can't wait! It will be Great! Let The People Speak!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

It's OK To Attack Republican Women

All the Liberals and Marxists do it. The Marxist Media does it all the time. They're called,nutjobs,whores,sluts,extremists,stupid,and on,and on. Marxists are allowed to do whatever they want,and say whatever they want. But if Conservatives try it,it's a crime! And won't be tolerated! The Democrat Marxists and The Marxist Media are Unfair and Unbalanced!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Sarah Palin and Jim DeMint Are Great!

Sarah Palin and Jim DeMint are Great Americans! They do what they believe is right and don't care what people think. They are fearless! They stand up to the Marxists in the media and in Washington. They endorse the best candidates and don't listen to the people that say they can't win. The negative jerks are wrong time and time again,but never learn. They hate Palin and DeMint. But they don't matter. They won't stop us. Palin and DeMint are winners. They are positive American Conservatives who love this country! With Great leaders like them America will shine! I hope you support them! Let's all stand up against the Marxists! Don't let them take away our Freedom! God Bless Sarah And Jim!