Friday, January 7, 2011

Global Warming Where Are You?

Where's the global warming Al Gore and the Liberals said was here? I'm cold. Al Gore promised we'd be nice and toasty now. If that global warming doesn't get here soon I may have to buy a Snuggie.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

The Weak And The Dumb or No Balls And No Brains

The Liberal Republicans on TV and in print hope to control the Republican party. I don't think so! You only attack Conservatives and don't have the balls to tell the truth about the Democrats. Or worse you agree with them! Some of you claim to be Conservatives but you don't know what the word Conservative means! Go join the Democrat party if you don't like it! We're taking over! You've failed long enough! Your way is bad for the country! RINO's will be defeated! Do you support the Constitution or not!? Read Mark Levin and get educated! Learn about Conservatism! It's the best way to go!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Take A Hard Stand

Tell the Marxists we're coming and we're bringing Freedom with us! Nothing they do or say is going to stop us! We will cut government down to size! This is what we will do: Cut taxes,repeal Obamacare,let inner city kids choose what schools they want to go to,drill for oil everywhere,get rid of corrupt unions,the EPA,and the Department of Education! Allow prayer in schools,let people defend themselves,cut regulations,leave small businesses alone,and get government out of the people's way! Follow The Constitution!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

O Don't Know War

Obama,knows nothing about how to win a war. Liberals say Sarah Palin's not qualified to be president. Where's Obama's experience? He has none! He says combat operations are over in Iraq,but there's still fighting going on! He ties our troop's hands and won't let them destroy the enemy,Terrorists in Afghanistan! Obama's policies are dangerous! We need to hit them hard and get out of there! The IslamoNazi Terrorists must be defeated! Put 'em down and take 'em out! Let them rebuild their own countries!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Happy New Year Of Freedom!

Conservatives in Congress will begin rolling back the Marxist's agenda this year! Let's put the Democrats and weak Republicans on defense. We're going on offense! We'll be constantly going forward with our goal always on our minds. Nothing they do or say will get in our way or stop us! We will shrink Big Government! And give back Power to the People!