Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Gutless Cowards!

Democrats are weak. They never want to stand up and fight a war. But they never back down and give in to Conservatives. They lie about and attack Conservatives and America,all the time! But they want to make peace with Terrorists!? Why is that!? Democrats have got everything ass backwards! They can't protect this country! We must vote all the Democrats out,in November!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Dirty Crooks!

Obama and his administration are nothing but dirty crooks! Obama is a Chicago Thug! He forces people to do as he says or he punishes them! He is a Radical Extreme Marxist who said he wants to remake this country! He shits on our Constitution,every day! He swore to uphold and defend it! He,Lied! All he does is,travel around,give speeches,lie,and takeover companies! Oh yeah,and he also insults America,and our Great Military! And he shits all over,Israel! What a disgrace! What an Asshole he is! The day he leaves the Whitehouse will be a Great day! I hope it's real soon!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Nancy Pelosi is a Lunatic!

Speaker Pelosi's eyes pop out when she gets excited. She blinks 9,000 times a minute. She's a big Marxist! Let's send her back home! She doesn't belong in Washington! She belongs in Russia! Or in the Nuthouse! Let's throw her out! Right on her snout! (I mean ass!)

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Harry Reid is a Giant Asshole!

Senate Majority Leader,Harry Reid,has got to go! Look at what he's done! He said,"This war is lost," when Bush was president,talking about the Iraq war. He attacked,Rush Limbaugh,on the Senate floor,a private citizen! Just because he disagrees with him! And he lies about Rush and other Conservatives,all the time! He worked to pass the National Healthcare Bill,against the will of the people! Harry Reid is a Marxist! We need to get rid of this Giant Asshole! He and Obama,and Pelosi,are destroying our Great country! Throw Reid out! Vote for and support Sharron Angle!
http://www.sharronangle.com Thank You!

Friday, August 6, 2010

Close The Border!

We must control our borders! Every other country does! But the Assholes in Washington don't want to! Too Bad! Do your damn job,Obama! Bush,didn't do it,but that doesn't give you an excuse,stupid! Do what's right! Or we'll throw your Asses out of office! Understand!? Enforce the law! Jan Brewer,is doing a Great job! You Assholes in Washington should learn from her! She's got balls! Obama's got nothing! Congress sucks,too!