Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Chris Wallace You're The Flake! Not Michele Bachmann!

I'm tired of the attacks on Sarah Palin and now Michele Bachmann! They are smart Conservative ladies. Marxist Democrats are the dumb ones! Chris Wallace on Fox News Sunday,asked Michele Bachmann,Are you a flake? What a Jerk Chris is. Would he ask Obama or Hillary Clinton that question? No,he wouldn't. So much for Fair and Balanced. Here are a few dumb things Obama has said: "I've been to 57 states." "Corpseman" when he tried to say,corpsman. Oh yeah and almost everything else that comes out of his mouth. Michele Bachmann made a couple of mistakes and they think she's a flake. She will follow the Constitution and the economy will grow again. Conservatism works. It's what made America Great!

Monday, April 18, 2011

This Is Sick!

Speaker John Boehner what are you going to do about the TSA patting down children!? Did you see the video of the six-year-old girl who was illegally touched by a gloved TSA Thug!? This is outrageous,sick,and insane! This must be stopped! Now! This is a crime! This cannot be tolerated! Please speak out people and stop this! I have heard the girl was in tears. Like others have said if this had happened anywhere else the man would have been arrested! I know Obama won't do anything about it! So I won't ask him!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

King Obama Speaks ................. Yet Again!

One thing's for sure Obama lied like a bastard during his speech,yesterday. His speech was designed to raise his sinking approval ratings. Just like his speech about Libya a couple of weeks ago. He said it's about Freedom and saving innocent lives even though the rebels in Libya are backed by Muslim Terrorists! Evil extremists who hate and want to destroy,Israel! Obama is deaf,dumb,and blind,to the truth! Obama plays his war games for his own benefit. He uses events to further his Marxist Agenda.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Boehner Blew It!

Speaker Boehner doesn't keep his promises. Republicans said they'd cut 100 Billion! Not a measly 38.5 Billion! Which turned out to really be 14 Billion! Lying Jerks! Congress spends far more than that in one year! Why can't the government be shut down!? Let government workers share in the depression this country is going through! Government workers aren't any better than the rest of us! Cut Trillions! Not Billions! Boehner needs to keep his word and get a pair of balls!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Cut It Or Shut It!

Shut down this Big Government if the Democrats won't cut it down! Stop wildly spending the people's money! Obama lies says Republicans are childish. Harry Reid lies says Republicans want to cut women's health care.Hey Politicians it's not your money! It's the people's money! Keep your damn hands off it!

What do you think? Please comment. Thanks!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Warrior King Obama To The World: You Lead We'll Follow!

Don't you love Obama's clear plan for Libya? What a strong leader he is. The United States must follow the UN. Rotten Tyrants opinions are more valuable than ours,according to Obama. He puts other countries above his own. We must be destroyed economically while China and Russia and others,are allowed to drill for oil and prosper. Our Great military are used and not allowed to win. Democrats want us to do a little fighting then run. Just for show. What kind of foreign policy is that? If we're going to fight,shouldn't we fight to win?

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Union Thugs

Wisconsin and any other state that has Union protesters,should make them clean up their messes before leaving. And drag them out in handcuffs if they try to sleepover. Do we have to give in to loud-mouthed lawbreakers? They're trying to keep and get more and more taxpayer's money. We have to draw a line somewhere. We have to stand up to the Marxist Bullies!

Monday, March 21, 2011

A Conservative For President!

We need a Conservative for president. I like,Sarah Palin,Michele Bachmann,Herman Cain,and Bob McDonnell. I also like,Mike Pence,and Jim DeMint,but I don't think there's any chance they'll run. Mike Huckabee,Newt Gingrich,and the others,are too weak. We need someone who will stand up to Obama,and tell the truth about him!

What do you think?

Friday, March 18, 2011

God Bless Japan!

I know they will be stronger than ever. Rise up from the ashes and help us defeat China!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Thank Obama For High Gas Prices!

Obama won't let them drill for oil. Anywhere! Everywhere is too dangerous he claims. People blamed George W. Bush a few years ago for high gas prices,so now Obama's president he has to take responsibility. Except he won't, he just points his finger at Republicans. Obama does the wrong thing handling the Middle East,too! He's nice to our enemies and hard on our friends and allies! Assbackwards! And you wonder why gas prices are going up!? We should be drilling everywhere! Wherever there's oil! Alaska,off the coast of Florida,Michelle Obama's garden! Everywhere!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Abortion Is Murder!

Taking away someone's life. Their whole future. Is that right? We have the right to,life,liberty,and the pursuit of happiness! The legal killing of babies must be stopped! Put them up for adoption if you don't want them. Liberals don't want to kill convicted murderers but innocent babies is fine!? Almost 50% of abortions in New York are of black babies! Why don't Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson care about that!? They should be marching in the streets over that! Why shouldn't everyone have the freedom to be born!? Would you want your parents to have aborted you!? Stand Up For Life!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Union Bullies Will Pay!

Unions have been pushing people around for years. Demanding money they don't deserve. They think they're entitled to steal from the American people. As long as they benefit they don't care who suffers or where it comes from. They're a bunch of Crooks just like all Marxists are! They will pay for what they've done to our Great country! The time is now!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Liar In Chief

Obama lies all the time. Don't take my word for it. Listen to what he says and check the facts for yourself. Why does anyone take him seriously? Obama's a joke! Pay attention to what's going on and do what's right. We can't have a liar in the White House! Obama must go!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Global Warming Where Are You?

Where's the global warming Al Gore and the Liberals said was here? I'm cold. Al Gore promised we'd be nice and toasty now. If that global warming doesn't get here soon I may have to buy a Snuggie.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

The Weak And The Dumb or No Balls And No Brains

The Liberal Republicans on TV and in print hope to control the Republican party. I don't think so! You only attack Conservatives and don't have the balls to tell the truth about the Democrats. Or worse you agree with them! Some of you claim to be Conservatives but you don't know what the word Conservative means! Go join the Democrat party if you don't like it! We're taking over! You've failed long enough! Your way is bad for the country! RINO's will be defeated! Do you support the Constitution or not!? Read Mark Levin and get educated! Learn about Conservatism! It's the best way to go!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Take A Hard Stand

Tell the Marxists we're coming and we're bringing Freedom with us! Nothing they do or say is going to stop us! We will cut government down to size! This is what we will do: Cut taxes,repeal Obamacare,let inner city kids choose what schools they want to go to,drill for oil everywhere,get rid of corrupt unions,the EPA,and the Department of Education! Allow prayer in schools,let people defend themselves,cut regulations,leave small businesses alone,and get government out of the people's way! Follow The Constitution!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

O Don't Know War

Obama,knows nothing about how to win a war. Liberals say Sarah Palin's not qualified to be president. Where's Obama's experience? He has none! He says combat operations are over in Iraq,but there's still fighting going on! He ties our troop's hands and won't let them destroy the enemy,Terrorists in Afghanistan! Obama's policies are dangerous! We need to hit them hard and get out of there! The IslamoNazi Terrorists must be defeated! Put 'em down and take 'em out! Let them rebuild their own countries!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Happy New Year Of Freedom!

Conservatives in Congress will begin rolling back the Marxist's agenda this year! Let's put the Democrats and weak Republicans on defense. We're going on offense! We'll be constantly going forward with our goal always on our minds. Nothing they do or say will get in our way or stop us! We will shrink Big Government! And give back Power to the People!