Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Chris Wallace You're The Flake! Not Michele Bachmann!

I'm tired of the attacks on Sarah Palin and now Michele Bachmann! They are smart Conservative ladies. Marxist Democrats are the dumb ones! Chris Wallace on Fox News Sunday,asked Michele Bachmann,Are you a flake? What a Jerk Chris is. Would he ask Obama or Hillary Clinton that question? No,he wouldn't. So much for Fair and Balanced. Here are a few dumb things Obama has said: "I've been to 57 states." "Corpseman" when he tried to say,corpsman. Oh yeah and almost everything else that comes out of his mouth. Michele Bachmann made a couple of mistakes and they think she's a flake. She will follow the Constitution and the economy will grow again. Conservatism works. It's what made America Great!

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